
Collaborative advertising campaign for the new Samsung S21 Ultra smartphone on the Forbes business magazine platform, the Samsung brand increased smartphone sales and received many positive mentions on social media.

Our team collaborated with Samsung and Forbes to launch the promotional interactive stotytelling for Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra smartphone.

Project includes an attractive landing page with interactive elements, video content and promotional materials.

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Samsung, Forbes




Art Direction, Web Design, Interaction Design

The main idea of the project is to demonstrate that the new smartphone is versatile for everyday use, creative tasks, and business needs.

In this storytelling experience, you can step into the role of the hero, performing actions by clicking on the circles at the bottom of the screen.

Our team took responsibility for designing the interaction between screens of the project, focusing on providing a seamless and user-friendly interface.

The interactive part of the site seamlessly leads users to the advertising section, which is characterized by an animated landing page showcasing innovative design elements.

Alongside the engaging storytelling, we also designed an animated landing page that seamlessly directs clients to the smartphone purchase site.

As a result

Collaborative advertising campaign for the new Samsung S21 Ultra smartphone on the Forbes business magazine platform, the Samsung brand increased smartphone sales and received many positive mentions on social media.

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