Asus ZenBook

Developed an animated landing page and a Unity pixel adventure game for the Asus ZenBook 14. The game featured tasks that rewarded users with promo codes, boosting engagement and sales.

Our team started working with Asus together with Forbes to promote the new Asus Zenbook 14 laptop. The main task was to develop a promotional project to attract new buyers of the laptop
with a modern landing page and a pixel game.

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Asus, AMD, Forbes




Web & Game Design, Web & Game Development

Animated landing page containing 10 blocks, telling you in detail about the laptop and the promotion to further link to the game page.

We have developed a pixel adventure game on Unity. There are two characters to choose from. The control is done using the keyboard or the digital joystick on your phone.

We have implemented the following types of gamification: mini-game, perform quiz tasks, compete with participants. Upon completion of all tasks we get a promo code to buy a laptop.

In just one month, the ASUS got a full animated landing page for ASUS ZenBook 14 and Custom Unity Mini-Game. As a result, satisfied users received their promo codes and went to the purchase page.

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